City of Juneau, Alaska

Landslide and Avalanche Assessment

Arial view of the city of Juneau, Alaska, in summer. Mountains in the background, water in the foreground.
Description of the Project

The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) has immense potential for a catastrophic urban avalanche that could affect state facilities, 62 homes, a hotel, and boat harbour are all in avalanche areas. These facilities are valued at over $500 million (US) and represent nearly half of the value of all facilities at risk in Alaska. In the last century, over 72 buildings have been damaged or destroyed by avalanches in the CBJ. DAC assessed the avalanche hazard for Downtown Juneau using hazard designation mapping and conducting a semi-quantitative analysis. The mapping polygons were delineated as low, moderate, and severe hazards. CBJ will use the results of the mapping to update the current city zoning, engineering, and building code regulatory purposes.

Arial view of avalanche path and slide above the city of Juneau.
View from helicopter down mountain side into the valley and city of Juneau.
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