BC Hydro - Mica Dam
Avalanche Safety Program and Defence Structure Design

Project Details
The Mica Generating Station, located 145 km north of Revelstoke, was originally designed to house six generating units though only four were installed when the facility was completed in 1977. During 2011-2016, two new 500 megawatt generating units were installed in the two empty bays in the powerhouse.
- Over 400 personnel working day and night shifts required protection from snow avalanche hazards.
- In addition to worker safety, BC Hydro required 100% road access reliability during critical construction phases.
- Avalanche hazard from the earth fill dam threatened field offices and a construction laydown area.
- Developed and implemented a 24/7 avalanche safety program, including safety training programs, hazard monitoring and forecasting, and avalanche control with an Avalauncher system.
- Reduced avalanche related road closure durations from days to hours.
- Designed an avalanche protection wall of 3.75 m in height and 89 m in length using interlocking concrete blocks. This structure reduced avalanche risk to field offices and workers while minimizing impacts on the project site.
- The avalanche safety program continues to operate to the present.

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